JUNE 5-26, 2022

Born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up in Hong Kong, Spime constantly seeks to bridge a gap between two cultures. Experiencing the cultural diffrences repeatedly as she tries to belong, Spime got a self awareness as a diaspora, which led her to creating her own world where she can float across the boundaries of time and space.

Spime's painting is characterized by figures in a whimsical shape, artificial hues, and flatness. While the main figure plays a central role in each work, the background remains as unknown place that leads the viewer to mull over the meaning of the images. With the recurring motifs throughout Spime's paintings - the border between day and night, fruits that evoke color prejudice, orbs implying glances - the artist speaks about our desire to belong and contemporary emotional states in a sequenced narrative.

In this exhibition, Spime shows the beauty of disparate elements in surreal way. Each figure starring forward gives the viewer a sense of being otherized and asks question about asymmetry gender, cultuer and power. The artist is challenging herself to find a value of diversity and search for the magic and strange beauty in the unexpected and the uncanny of emergent belonging.